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Is Anger Getting the Better of You?

There is nothing wrong with anger if it is under control. In fact, it is actually healthy to express anger and other emotions. However, if the anger gets out of hand it can have terrible effects on your life,...

Scar Removal Remedies

Whether it’s from a childhood injury, teenage acne, or a recent injury, we all have scars to attest to our greatest triumphs and worst memories, and in some cases, we all have scars that we would really rather be rid...

Why Should I Get an Eye Examination?

Often eye examinations are neglected and are not seen as being necessary. Most people think that if any changes in vision do occur then they will notice it. However, eye exams are able to detect eye diseases in addition...

Smoking Causes Gene Mutations

Recent studies have uncovered yet another negative effect of smoking – the genetic mutation of DNA. A recent Canadian study has demonstrated that smoking causes DNA mutations within sperm cells, implementing that children of male smokers may inherit permanent and negative...

The Hidden Cost of Beauty

The price of beauty is enough; what with tanning beds, Botox, plastic surgery and much more readily available there are also many dangers to beautifying treatments. Although tanning beds may give you a beautiful golden glow, there are various...

Will Digestive Cleansing Help You Lose Weight?

Many Hollywood movies will denote losing weight as an easy task. In nearly every “chick-flick”, the female protagonist will make a comment – either stating that she looks the way she does because she’s only been drinking cranberry juice for the...

7 Things to Do to Become a Healthier Person

Exercise, drink 8 glasses of water a day, and sleep at least 8 hours a night. These are things you have heard a million times before and they are keys to being a generally healthy person, but there are...

Acne Treatment – What Works Best?

At some point in our lives, we’ve all experienced some form of acne. Acne is the most common skin disorder within our modern society, and though it generally affects teenagers, it has been diagnosed in infants, elderly people and additionally...

An Apple a Day…

Ever heard the old phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?” Well, it’s not as far fetched as you may think. Apples have numerous health benefits that people overlook all the time. Benefits of eating apples include:...

How to Quit Without Nicotine Products

If you are a longtime smoker, then you know how difficult it is to quit smoking. And you’re not alone. Around the globe, about one third of the male adult population consistently smokes cigarettes. We’ve all heard the statistical reasons...

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