Topamax Sprinkle (Topiramate) Medication


Topamax Sprinkle (Topiramate)

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Drug Description:

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Quality Prescription Drugs is both CIPA certified and PharmacyChecker approved.

There are many benefits of ordering Topamax Sprinkle from First of all, Quality Prescription Drugs strives to
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seven days a week. You should receive your order within two to four weeks. For your own safety, we require a
legitimate doctor’s prescription for every order of prescription Topamax Sprinkle.

The manufacturer of Topamax Sprinkle is Cardinal Health and Janssen Pharmaceutical.


Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) is a medication referred to as an anticonvulsant which is a type of seizure medicine. Topamax Sprinkles are the same as Topamax tablets except that are capsules that contain coated beads. They are the same as standard Topamax Sprinkles; they are just another form to consume the medicine in. Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) is suited to treat seizures in adults or children 2 and older; it can also be used in combination with other medicine to treat seizures. Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) can also be used to prevent migraine headaches. The active ingredient topiramate can only prevent headaches or their frequency; it cannot address headaches that have started already.


Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) should be stored away from heat and moisture at room temperature.


Be sure to drink extra fluids so that it will lower your chance of producing kidney stones. Vomiting and diarrhea can also lead to dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance; contact your doctor if you experience ongoing diarrhea or vomiting. When taking Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate), be sure to carry an ID card or an medical bracelet showing that you are taking Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) as an medical care specialist needs to know that you are taking seizure medication.


Inform your doctor if you have: kidney disease or a history of kidney stones; liver disease; glaucoma; asthma, emphysema, or bronchitis; or if you have recently had surgery. Also be aware that you may have suicidal thoughts while on Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) and that you should contact your doctor if depression or suicidal thoughts worsen. Be sure to schedule regular visits with your doctor to monitor your mood changes. Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) also can make birth control pills less effective.

Patient Family Info:

Follow your doctor’s instructions and the prescription closely. Do not take larger doses than recommended. Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) can potentially cause harm so be sure to have your blood, kidneys, and livers routinely tested by your doctor. You can take Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) with or without food but a full glass of water is needed. Do not crush or break the tablets, swallow them whole. Continue taking Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) despite a reduction in symptoms as you may experience worse seizures if you stop all of a sudden. If you require surgery, inform your surgeon in advance that you are taking Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate).

Contra Indication:

Avoid taking Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breast feeding or allergic to topiramate

Severe Side Effects:

Serious Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) side effects (Seek medical attention immediately): sudden vision loss, pain around or behind your eyes; dry mouth, increased thirst, confusion, drowsiness, decreased sweating, increased body temperature, and hot, dry skin, nausea, vomiting, increased urination, muscle pain or weakness, fast heart rate, feeling light-headed, fainting, or seizure (convulsions); or severe pain in your side or lower back, painful or difficult urination.

Common Side Effects:

Less serious Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) side effects may include: slowed thinking, memory problems, trouble concentrating; problems with speech or balance; numbness or tingling; sleep problems (insomnia); tired feeling; headache, dizziness; or loss of appetite, weight loss.

Other Side Effects:

Topamax Sprinkles (Topiramate) allergic reaction symptoms (Seek medical attention immediately): hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

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Quality Prescription Drugs has provided information from third parties intended to increase awareness and does not contain all the information about Topamax Sprinkle (Topiramate). Talk to your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner for medical attention, advice, or if you have any concerns about Topamax Sprinkle (Topiramate).