The Affordable Care Act is putting in all the efforts possible to make sure that people who otherwise would not be able to pay for health insurance get it at more affordable rates. However, many of the popular plans involve high co-pays and deductibles, which means that many consider medical care to still be quite expensive. Here are the top three reasons why US patients are not getting the help they need when they get sick:
Scientists have long suspected that there is a correlation between personality type and food choices. Research has pinpointed personality traits that can influence the kinds of food that we enjoy. While the science is not definitive, there are definite correlations that deserve further study.
Risk-takers and Spicy Food
This one goes all the way back to the 70’s, when researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found a connection between people who loved the adrenaline rush from risk-taking and the burning sensation of spicy food. Sensation seekers were given the Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking Test and it was determined that they handled the spicy foods better than those who were not quite so daring in their pursuits.
People-pleasers are Overeaters
People-pleasers, or people who want those around them to be happy, tend to overeat more socially. Those who love to socialize take their cues from the people that they are with, and rather than “disappoint” them by refusing to eat, they eat when they are not hungry, to make those around them happy.
Emotional Eaters and Secret Snacking
Emotional eaters use food as a coping mechanism during times of stress. Researchers have discovered that a high percentage of women admit to “secret snacking”…and that more than 40% of them realize that it’s harmful to their health. Stashing snacks and eating in secret can derail even the most diligent of dieters.
Conscientious People and the Health Food Movement
People who are quieter and less likely to socialize also tend to make better food choices. A 2005 study using the International Personality Pool Item Big Five found that conscientious people are less likely to binge on fast food, and are more likely to choose fruits and vegetables over junk food. With the recent plant-based-food-focus gaining popularity, more people than ever now fall into the “conscientious” eater category.
Extroverts and Junk Food
A recent study in the Appetite Journal found that extroverts tend to be more likely to choose animal fats, sugary snacks and drinks, and alcohol. One reason for this is thought to be that extroverts are more likely to be out and about in social situations where fatty, sugary foods are more prevalent.
While it is important to remember that these findings do not apply to everyone, studies have shown that they reasonably likely to predict food choices among a random sampling of the population. With more research, it may be possible to find ways to help people make better food choices, no matter what their personality type.
How The High Cost Of Insurance Deductibles Affect Patient Care

Our lives are normally very hectic and busy, and due to this reason, we sometimes forgo proper eating methods and simply consume food in a haphazard manner. However, this isn’t right and it could actually lead to problems with the digestive system. When this happens, you need to switch to healthier eating alternatives and habits so that you remain healthy even if you eat on the go. Here are five ways in which you can achieve this: There have been many cases where the high cost of insurance deductibles has prevented patients from accessing health care that they require. One such case is that of Frances Fisher who had no option but to switch to a high deductible health plan from a generous one when her husband changed his job.
Here is her story.
Frances Fisher’s Story
Soon after the health care plan was switched, Frances had developed gastrointestinal bleeding. And despite the risk, she made a decision of not going to the doctor and delaying treatment. She thought that this way she would be able to reduce her expenses, which would be beneficial in the long run. By the time Frances got her tests done, she had found out that she had stage three rectal tumor. While the cancer was removed, Frances realized that had she gone earlier for the diagnosis, her chemotherapy and surgeries would have been easier and quicker. Soon enough, she realized how bad it was to put off health care just to save money.
The Story Is Shared By Many Others
Many others have similar stories to share as that of Frances Fisher. Deductibles have been on the rise in many of the states, and due to this, there has been a growing concern all over the nation with regards to accessibility of health care. And why the deductibles are so bad is because the consumer is required to pay some money before they can get the benefit of insurance. Sometimes, the money that goes out of the pocket is a lot.
Such high deductibles are meant to reduce unnecessary trips to the hospital or doctor so that the increasing health care costs can be curbed according to a Minnesota State Health Economist. However, such measures only lead to worse conditions since the people who actually need medical care also get discouraged. Some parents even keep their children away from receiving the necessary visits to the doctor. This definitely poses huge risks to these kids. And when parents do decide to bring their children to the doctor, some might forego follow up examinations completely.
Consumer Preferences
It has been found in a survey conducted by Bankrate.com that 44% people within United States prefer high deductible plans that have low monthly premiums as compared to the 36% that favor higher premiums and lower deductible plans. Such statistics definitely have researchers and doctors worried. This is because people tend to focus more on monthly price and on finding lowest monthly premiums possible.
However, patients need to shop more carefully when it comes to health care plans to ensure that they make a good choice when it comes to ensuring good health in the future. When patients have access to good insurance plans, they would be more likely to make better health care decisions and visit the doctor whenever a need arises so that future health care problems can be curbed and everyone remains stress free.